Our Store at a Glance : Crafting Elegance in Men's All Leather Shoes

Who We Are?
We are humble yet avid entrepreneurs and at Debbano, we believe that high-quality craftsmanship should be accessible to all people. Our innovative approach to online shopping allows us to bypass the middleman and connect artisans directly to consumers. Therefore, you can be assured that innovations in our distribution and communication processes make us closer to you.
Why Shop From Us?
In our high-quality footwear collection, each pair is handcrafted by our artisans, and the quality is constantly monitored by experts throughout every step of the process. Inspired by traditional classic lines, we pay meticulous attention to detail, starting from the profile of the shoe to the choice of materials. Although fashion changes from season to season, we provide a timeless style that embodies the simple elegance of a refined look.
Fair Pricing
The convenience of ordering a new pair of shoes from the comfort of your home is practical. Your order will be delivered promptly, and if your size is not correct, you may return them at no charge. Our objective is to simplify the shopping experience for you, so you can relax and enjoy buying directly from the artisans without paying any middlemen that increase the price.
Our Customer Care
Throughout the sales and communication processes, we pay attention to the product: the shopping experience should be effortless. As a brand, we expect to connect with customers on a personal level — close to their needs — as well as to know their preferences.
Transparency in Materials
From the start, Debbano stands for high quality and transparency in manufacturing and sustainability. In terms of our products and services, we have full transparency in everything from the leather type to the entire production, so our customers can be confident in the quality we offer. Transparency has always been a guiding principle of our business since our founding, and we will continue to adhere to it as we grow and progress.
Hand-Crafted by Skilled Artisans
From the way our shoes are made to the materials we use, we pay close attention to every aspect of their construction — ensuring a long-lasting product. Our shoes are handcrafted in every stage, and we only use the best soles for each type of shoe. At Debbano, we prioritize quality without compromise.
Made in Europe
Our artisanal workshops are nestled in Istanbul, and the tradition of making shoes has been handed down from generation to generation for centuries. To get the kind of quality you expect in our products, we select the best materials together with the artisans. Every step, from selecting the leather to applying the sole, is bench-gradely handmade in Turkey.